Any of you looking for work these days?
Are you middle aged?
Have you been out of your career longer than you were in it?
Me too.
I was really good at my job. Exceptional.
But I took a lot of years off to be really good at something else. Unfortunately, nobody seems to understand that being a mom has taken more energy, creativity, creative financing, strategizing, planning, organizing and leading than any job I ever had that I got a paycheck.
I'm not patting myself on the back. I'm not trying to brag......very much. But really, how could anything compare??? If you have done it, you know what I mean. It's a total life experience. 24/7 365 days a year. For...........EVER!!!
But, people smile and talk down to us when we apply for their $8 an hour jobs. The condescending looks just really irk me. I was simply getting an application to work in child care one day and the woman behaved as if I were some person who couldn't possibly be qualified. Sigh.
What happens? When is it that I became invisible in the rest of the world? And, more importantly, how do I become visible again?
First of all, I have to dream. I have to decide again what to be and who I am growing to be.
You know, I'm not who I was at 20. But, lately, I've realized that I would be a better teacher than I was then. And I was good. I see kids. But, how can I make other people see me?
I'm beginning classes. Talking to people. Putting out applications. Praying. Hoping. Dreaming. Much like the first time.
I have to learn who I am apart from my husband and children so that I can portray that to the people wanting to hire me. That is very difficult for a full time mama.
I'm willing to work my way up. I'm even willing to do new things. My mind and heart are open.
I know that this is a changing, growing time.
But, even in this, I am an example to my children. How to pursue something. How to reach out when all you want to do is go hide. It's embarrassing to step out into a field that so many other people have so much more experience.
I remember the women who came to college in their forties when I was at Baylor. They always messed up the curve. They studied. I admired them then. I admire them more now.
Yes, soon, I could be hearing my kids say, "mom, is your homework done?" And, frankly, that's not even funny.
Here's to new dreams and new careers,
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