Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Secret of Life

Oh, I can't tell you. It's a secret. And, everybody should know enough to keep a secret.
Or, maybe it's not such a secret and it would be ok to tell you because it's common knowledge anyway. What a dilemma.
Here's the thing. Life is not a secret. It's the living that remains elusive. We get up. We breathe. Our hearts beat. Life is a gift. Given each and every millisecond. It's what makes us able to live. But one does not necessarily beget the other.
You have a life. You have breath.
The living is what YOU put in. With your mind. With your energy. With your time. With your choices.
It's learning how to think and make decisions.
It's giving to those around you.
It's deciding to be the person you were meant to be instead of conforming to the "norm".
It's doing something that is memorable just for you.
It's making relationships.
It's not about being busy.
It's about being purposeful.
It's about deciding to make a difference, no matter how small, in your corner of the world.
It's deciding to take risks.
It's sometimes just about getting out of bed and trying one more time. Sometimes, that's all we've got in us.
It's about not settling for how things have always been. Because YOU have never been before and you are unique and add a new dimension to everything you are involved in.
It's about taking time to enjoy the breathing. The resting. The beauty.
You and I are given life. I don't cause myself to breathe or my blood to flow or my eyes to blink. But, I have to choose what to do with the fact that I woke up this morning. I have to plan and dream and hope. I have to put in some effort. And I have to know that I also need to simply rest.
So, the secret is that life is a gift. Living is a choice.

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