Are any of you involved in social networking via the internet? You know, facebook, twitter, or myspace. I have really enjoyed my facebook account. It allows me to keep up with friends from around the world and to actually be a part of some of my friend's lives moreso than I was previously. It's fun. It's entertaining.
I used to be addicted to the games. I loved the word games. But, I quit. I have other things to do. They are ok, but I'd rather write or do something else. Facebook can be quite entertaining and encouraging. But, awhile back, I began to notice that some people had upwards of 500 friends. Some of them even have over 1000 "friends". I was intrigued. I mean, really, can anyone have that many people that they ACTUALLY know? And, my intrigue led me to research it.
I began an experiment. I created a bogus account for a non-existent person. All of her information was made up. And then I sent out four days, she has 145 friends. Six people questioned her request. Within this four days, she has friends from all over......including other countries.
It's amazing. She doesn't even exist. People talk to her like she does. Behave as if they should know her. Befriend her because people they know befriend her. Or some, because of where she's from. Or how cute her photo is.
Again, it's stunning. I have only a couple dozen more friends than the non-existent account.
WHY? That's what I keep wondering. Why are people letting people they don't even know see all of their private information and photos? What is driving this social networking?
Loneliness? Alienation? Lack of boundaries?
I am still not sure. But I do know that safety demands a change. Don't befriend people you don't know online. They can see your photos. Your email. Your birthday. They can figure out who you are, where you live and from that they could harm your children. They could find out private information and harm you.
Don't get me wrong. It's fun to enjoy the people you do know. It's healthy to connect with people with whom you are acquainted. But, if you don't know them, don't click ignore and go on with your life.
Kudos to those of you who questioned and asked who was asking for your friendship. Or those of you who clicked ignore.....I'll never know your names. And for those of you who clicked accept, stop and think. If you are popular or famous, start a fan page instead. Keep your private account just that.......private.
Enjoy responsibly. Be careful with what is most precious: your family, your life, your heart. Go through and cull the ones that you don't know. It's ok. They don't get notified. And, you don't know them anyway. It's not a contest to see who has the most. Having friends, by definition isn't about a contest, it's about being the best friend you can possibly be. It's about caring. Getting to know people. Whether it's online or on the bus, take the time to do it right. Do relationships well, they are a defining force in your life.
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