I love my friends. My extended family. They make life so much fun. It's like having my own built in support group. But, even more than that, it's like my own party.
My friends are so FUN. They like to hang out and be silly. They like to give me a hard time. They are the kind of friends who crack up if I take a dive. If i say the wrong thing. They will tell me if a booger is blowing in and out of my nostril. Actually, they might tell me quite gleefully. If I am being ornery, I will pay for it. Who knows what might be thrown.
And the friends will even do a little "Sweatin' to the Oldies" with me. Or learn how to swing dance and not make fun of me. Ok, I take that back. They will make fun of me. But, they won't let the fact that I suck at dancing matter an iota in our friendship.
And when they dress better than I do........they don't hold that against me either. They pretend that it's not embarrassing. Ok, it's not that bad. But I do like to be comfortable. Stylish would be good too.
And they are the kid of friends who can sit around and sing stupid old songs. Or humns. Or worship songs. Or be silent.
The kind of friends that it's ok just to be a person. I doj't have to meet some criteria. Neither do they.
Don't get me wrong, we can be deep together. We have lots of life's experiences when you put us all together. It's just that life together doesn't always have to be heavy. It can be enjoyable. Pleasant. You know, it can even just be fun. It's ok not to dwell on all of the troubles. Each day has some but why focus on them when each day has so much BEAUTY, LAUGHTER, LOVE, SUNSHINE, FLOWERS, MUSIC, PEOPLE and WARMTH to focus on instead.
Look around you. I bet you have a group of friends too. Are you lifting each other to higher places? Laughing regularly? Are you being comfortable and real?
If not, work at it. Lighten up a little if you need to. Everything is not serious.
Sing. Dance. Make Merry. Oh, and eat really good food. Eating food is always a part of friendship.
Life goes by quickly. Make memories.
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