Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Joy of Passion

I have been enjoying some things about life tremendously. I am getting to an age where I know a little bit about who I am. Maybe I could have known much earlier if I had been a whole lot more interested in who I had been created to be and a lot less interested in figuring out how to fit into the little boxes that are created by our places in life.
But, be that as it may, I am getting to know about it now. And, it's not too late. Amazingly, the timing is just right. My kids are getting to be really grownup. My purpose is morphing. Changing. And, it's ok. It's making me look at who I am.
And I have been spending a lot of time with writing. Not just blogging. Moving on to editing. Learning to lay out. Learning to publish. And there is passion in that. It's a lot of work. Very time consuming. And yet, I feel undeterred. Ever wonder why some things seem such a drag and others inspire?
It is because you were wired a certain way. Some of you are excellent at painting. Or decorating. Or public speaking. Or cleaning. Or organizing. Or counseling. Or praying. Or leading. The choices are endless. We each have many things. But for some reason we think we should be EVERYTHING. We're not. Oh, though it doesn't bring me great pleasure, I still have to clean the toilet. I still have to scrub the tub. Vaccuum the floor. But those things do not define me. Those things are not my passion.
I was created differently than you in talents and looks and skills. I was made from a one of a kind mold. Just as you were. There are innumerable combinations of gifts and talents and no two of us are exactly the same.
Trouble begins and depression sets in when we try to measure and compare ourselves against one another. It's so much more important to measure ourselves against who we are becoming in light of who we are supposed to be. It's much harder. It's difficult because we have to face who we are really. We have to look for our own place. We can't just mimic others.
It feels like a risk. I am no Hemingway. But, I still have a passion. I have messages to communicate. So, this is what I will do. I will do it as well as I can. And if it simply brings me joy in the process then that is enough. Nobody else has to believe in me. Nobody has to make my dreams come true. My dreams come true every moment that a book comes closer to being reality. With each and every little step. Not because it has been printed. Published. Sold. Made the best sellers list. None of those things are what are bringing me this joy. The joy is simply in the stepping out and doing what I was created to do.
You have those things in your life as well. I am not alone in this. The one commonality we all share is how different we are. So, my challenge to you is to find your passion. Find your vision. Find your purpose. And go for it. Without holding back. Even if the only joy you ever receive is because you took the journey.

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