Really, I hate to beat this horse or anything, but I have to ask again. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Why are you living like this is a dress rehearsal? Or just a regular rehearsal? You don't get to be 18 again and get it right the next time. There is no script. Nothing to memorize. Life is live and impromptu. If you hide in a hole when you are 45, you don't get to try what you were doing back then again at 60. You only walk through once. Each day you get once. Only once. Ever.
Why do you think my bum is getting sore in this chair and my arms are aching from all of the typing and my eyes are sore from the laying out of the dreamed about, wished for, so far only a vision book?
BECAUSE I only have TODAY!!!! Do you hear me yet? I am not sure anyone does. You don't have tomorrow. You don't have when you are retired. You don't have later on. You have NOW. Today. That's it. Everyone equally so.
You don't get to practice over and over to make yourself ready. You get to prepare as you walk through life by maturing, by having experiences, by living. Not by trying to make yourself blend in. Not by following some set of rules that is implemented to keep people from becoming the uniquely wonderful creative people that they are.
I don't care WHAT you do. What YOU do should be WHO you are. If you are a trash man, God bless you. I love that you come to my house every week. We have a large family and without you it would be awfully smelly around our house. If you are a plumber, bless you too. If you make toilets, I am really thankful for mine. If you are a seamstress, thanks for the lovely curtains. I like them. If you are a farmer, I'm loving the flour as I bake so much. And, thanks for the lovely corn in the summer. If you are a cleaning fairy, get on over, I need one. If you are a shoe maker, I have friends who keep you in business. If you are a potter, thanks for the great mugs. If you are an artist, thanks for sharing your eye for beauty. If you are a poet, I love seeing the world through your words.
You see, my friends, it's really not about which gifts or talents you have, it's about using them. Today. Not someday. If you suck at being a trash man, look for other work. It'll come eventually. You don't have to give up your job while you look, but start looking. And in your off time, start honing what you really are good at. But if you are good at what you are currently doing and being, then go with that. Quit trying to practice so that you can be like somebody else.
I am not Margaret. I was blown away when I saw the picture of Susanna. Breath gone. Amazed. Now, I could have gone home determined to become a painter. Determined to find a way. Or, I can appreciate what she does and cultivate what I do. Appreciation of another does not mean that is who YOU need to be. They already have that spot.
My friend, Cheryl, has a heart for God that inspires me each day. My friend, Deb, has the ability to say it how it is. My friend, Mrs. B., has the best way of hugging me up and praying for me, My friend, Leanne, has a way of gathering support and donations for events. My friend, Mandie, has a way of putting the truth to music......and words too. My friend, Dianne, has a way of leading people. My friend, Leslie, has a way of giving what people need. My friend, Pam, has a tender heart and an organizing manner. My friend, Deedee, has a way of bringing beauty into chaos. My son, Joe, has a way of telling his friends the truth in love. My friend, Hanna, has a way of keeping things organized. My friend, Hannah, has a way of listening. My friend, Wanda, (oh my, i just started to cry) has a way of making it stop hurting. My friend, Josanne, has a way of fighting for right. My friend, Pam, has a way of smiling and finding ways to help. My friend, Susan, has a way of making me laugh at myself. My friend, Anne, has a way of being gentle yet very strong. My friend, Jessie Bo, has a way of brightening any room in which she walks. My friend, Tricia, has a way of making people feel like they are the only one. My friend, (insert your name here), has a way of (insert what you do naturally without forcing yourself.)
I have many many more friends. These are the ones who came to mind in three minutes. They are are different. Very different. Many are encouragers. Many are challengers. Many are truth tellers. They each have their own gifts and talents to do those things. I am glad that they are not all trying to be the same. Well, sometimes they are. But I want to encourage them to be who the vast, almighty, infinitely creative God made them to be. Because they make a difference.
TODAY. It's yours. What are you doing with it. Share it. Let others help you. Quit practicing. This IS opening night.
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