Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Peace and Quiet

I don't know about you, but quiet is not the biggest part of my life. It's a little bit amusing since I crave that kind of time. I like to think. Reflect. Most of the time, by the time I get to this point of writing, I've already written it in my head and am off and going in only moments.
But, six kids, a daughter in law, a husband, two grandsons, a dog, a dozen or so chickens, a cat, and a phone mean that I really have very little of that quiet that I crave. My family really isn't that noisy, but they are living, breathing, active people who expect some interaction that is more than grunting. And generally there is some sword fight, wrestling or other contact activity, going on.
Quiet, it does not visit me much. Nor for long at a time. I do like it.
But, what I have learned is that peace and quiet have very little to do with one another.
Peace is something I have an abundance of. My home is full of peace. Even in the midst of bickering. There's a sense of well-being. There's an underlying feeling that everything is ok. It feels good. It IS good. Peace has nothing to do with the craziness of this life. It has nothing to do with how much money we have. It is not challenged by the fact that we don't always agree.
Peace is like a warm bath. It surrounds and envelopes and makes me feel warmed all the way through.
Just because you are living a wild and crazy life don't think that you have no hope of peace. Peace comes from within. It comes from knowing your purpose. From knowing that you are loved. From knowing where you are headed. From spending time with the Peace Giver.
Quiet, well, it comes from duct tape. Or velcroing the kids to the walls. Or perhaps from a little get away. But it's a little bit slippery. It's hard to hold onto. It's always gone before you are quite ready. But, just like the breath you take when you are swimming, it holds you over until the next opportunity.

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