Wow, there seems to be an epidemic of non smiling disease. Who knows what is to blame. Could be the weather. Or the economy. Or the fear of wrinkling.
I'm not really sure, but I am stunned by the number of people who go out of their way to NOT smile. I mean, if you are sitting at a street corner at a stop sign, isn't it nice when the person kitty corner from you smiles and waves you on? Or when you are at the grocery store, isn't it just polite to smile at the checker? Maybe I'm way off, but sometimes smiling is the only communication you get with that particular person.
Smile. I mean, there's always something to smile about. Of course, I get in trouble for smiling because supposedly it means that I'm up to something. But, can't my face just simply show that my heart is happy?
Isn't it encouraging to see people who are going through really hard times smile? One has nothing to do with the other. Or maybe it does. Maybe they have discovered what is REALLY behind happiness.
Life is way too short to be a sour puss. A grumpy head. A grouse. A meanie head.
I don't mean fake laughter. Don't mean smiling when you want to cry. I just mean.......well, take time each day to count up those blessings. Those good things. Those benefits. And, it'll make you smile.
like the smell of freshly falling rain.
or dinner cooking on a holiday.
like seeing a baby take their first steps. or first smile.
warm blankies.
walks on the beach
finding a sand dollar. or sea glass. or, if you are my son, a dead fish or a skeleton of a seal.
a newborn calf.
a field as it just begins to turn green in the early stages of spring.
the moon when it is just nearly golden and huge.
a good cup of joe.
hot tea in a pretty cup.
memory pictures.
hugs from people who love you.
time alone.
birthday parties.
a free education.
rearranged furniture.
There's sooo much to SMILE about. And the thing is that it's contagious........if you smile at me, I will be so happy, I'll smile back AND later in the day, I will smile just thinking of how nice it was to be smiled at.
A smile is a wonderful gift. AND, it's free. Everybody can give as many as they want. Nobody is excluded.
Feel free to share things that make you smile to think about.......maybe it'll bring a grin to another.
like a free parking space at the mall at Christmas.
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