Sure, it says waterproof. And, it's true. Try cleaning it off with anything short of comet and you won't get very far. But, shed a few tears and it smudges right up. You can buy mascara from 2-35 dollars and the one thing that they all have in common is that they have great sticking power at night when you are trying to remove them and questionable staying power when you have a cold or are bawling your eyes out.
What a disappointment. I mean, I've seen the commercials. I've seen the models. I've seen the magazine advertisements. This is NOT how it's supposed to work. I'm supposed to be able to go to the movies and cry my eyes out and rub them with my hanky and all is to be well.
Real life differs from advertising. In many ways. And in many situations. Many that are more important than mascara.
Have you ever noticed that cars are sold by using schmexy women? I have. Now, guys, I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't know any women who are going to sprawl all over your car just because it's nice. Sexy or not. It just aint gonna happen.
And what about the good times being had at the bars with the alcohol flowing freely and everyone getting along. Now, I'm not a bar girl, but the bars I've been in are often more somber feeling than a party atmosphere. And the drunks I've been with are not as sophisticated as the people in the ads........they just do and say stupid things and forget about it later. But, it is comforting that the ads say "drink responsibly" at the end. Sure, it really looked like the people in the ad were being responsible.
The movies are full of wonderful romances and friendships. And I have yet to find a real life one of either kind of relationship that matches the traits portrayed in the movies. The nice girl doesn't always get the handsome rich guy. Hardly ever. The dorky girl rarely outgrows it. (this, I know from personal experience ). A two hour fight and misunderstanding rarely, if ever, ends in riding off into the sunset in a convertible.
Oh, but how we hope. and wish. and sigh. and long. Oh for life to be as good as it can be portrayed. But, usually, it's not.
And so, some people become cynical. They become critical and full of bitterness. They moan and grumble. They pick and complain. They are hurting because their dreams and hopes and wishes are not as they'd like. The world fails to meet their expectations. People are not "enough".........good enough, smart enough, nice enough, kind enough.
And, I regret it on their behalf. Because they miss out on so much in real life while bemoaning how it doesn't measure up to the wishes they have. It's a waste of time and energy. It's troubling to me because it eats them up from the inside out. And.........they become what they are moaning about. They become what disappoints them so much. Sad, huh?
Nothing is like the media portrays. I choose to think that the "perfection" often portrayed is because God has "set eternity in the hearts of men" and we seek what it will be like when all is whole and healed again. When things aren't broken and lacking.
Because I'm pretty certain in heaven that the waterproof mascara will be exactly that. Of course, wait, if there are no tears in heaven.........oh mercy, I might never know if it's really waterproof or if it's just because I don't cry anymore.
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