Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The End

Isn't it funny how we hate the endings to things? Like movies. Or a book series? We fear the endings of friendships. Of marriages. Of lifelong relationships. Of life itself.
What is it about "THE END" that puts so much fear into our hearts? How come we are afraid?
I actually think that we were made with eternity in our hearts. We were created with a sense of the infinite in our minds. And endings are painful.
I do not like the idea of things that make me feel good ending. But, ending is better than pretending. Ha, the word ending is in pretending. hmmm. Interesting. But things end, my friends. No matter how wonderful. No matter how good. No matter how dedicated we are or how hard we try. Sometimes people have to walk away. Walk on. Sometimes they need to fly without us. And it's bitterly painful.
But with every ending is a beginning. I know. Trite. Very. But you have to begin again. Because things change. People leave. It happens.
What will you do? Where will you gather your strength from? I mean, seriously, I lament the ending to a book, the ending to something bigger really reaches deep.
But what I have learned is that one moment at a time brings me to a new place. I learn how to function in new ways. I learn that I do indeed still breathe. Still have plans. Still learn new things. I learn that living goes on even in my pain. And that within the pain I can find hope.
But honestly, I have to say, there are times when I find no redeeming ideals for myself. But when I look at the other person, I find many. And I comfort myself in that.
When you see the ending coming, gather courage. You will need it. And, it's just like a book, you can feel it winding down. And though you slow down and wish to make it last, inevitably, you will eventually turn the last page. And for awhile you will think of those times and experiences and happinesses. You will mourn. Cry. Laugh. But you will live. You will find that you are still worth it.
Seems depressing, huh? Sometimes living hurts. Sometimes it stomps us down. But the thing is that it doesn't change who we are. It only accentuates it. Draws out our character.
You will make it through. You will find joy again. You are loved deeply and completely.

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