Found: One middle aged woman with a few dings and scrapes. Smile seems to work ok. Full of vim and vigor and sometimes vinegar, especially if pushed too hard. She has been missing for a long time. She is quite spunky. Enjoys an afternoon rest. Seems to have forgotten her age. She is fun to be with. Not incredibly stylish, but comfortable in her own way. Has fun doing simple things. You can't really take her out in a crowd; nothing wrong with her, she just doesn't enjoy it much. She enjoys solitude and close friends much more. Evenings with a book are just her speed. She also likes dancing with friends or listening to music with a beat but not the kind that sounds like a hammer banging. She has no idea who sings most songs. She is fairly limited in political knowledge. She is adept at organizing events for her family and can cook for near army sized crowds without batting an eye. And, her cooking isn't too bad. She likes to please; sometimes to her detriment. She hopes and keeps on hoping, but she isn't stupid. She knows when to say, "enough". When she loves and trusts, it's deeply and fully. She doesn't give those away easily, but she does give them genuinely. She dislikes games. She is skilled at keeping things running around the house. Enjoys painting and planting flowers. She's not as strong as a younger woman might be, but she has learned to work smart in her slightly older age. You should see her with kids; she loves them with her whole heart and expects their very best in effort and attitude. She loves to laugh and kid around but not in place of depth and being real. When those she loves are threatened, she is grizzly like: get out of the way. She likes comfort foods and has a tummy that proves it. Chocolate is a treat. She notices the little beauties all around every day. She's genuinely thankful. She had forgotten who she was. But, after writing this ad, I think I'll just keep her. She's worth having.
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