We've all heard the stories. Some of us are even beginning to have our own stories about "the good ol' days." Strangely, usually the times that we are living through don't seem like them.
You know, when the baby isn't sleeping and the toddler is sick and the dog runs off down the street and the house looks like a wreck and your pastor's wife stops by unexpectedly, it doesn't feel like the good 'ol days.
Or when the music is turned up to a blaring, beating level and your child suddenly sports clothing that seems ridiculously awful and a haircut that matches and the relatives are expecting a family portrait. Those don't seem like the good ol' days either.
Or when finals are looming and you have to work and your dorm mate stays up all night. Those definitely don't seem like the good ol' days.
Or when that boy said he liked you but he didn't really and you have band and volleyball and homework and everyone is expecting so much. Those days don't seem like the good ol' days.
The good ol' days live in our minds as memories of happier times. Funny how good high school or college or baby hood with the children can seem 15, 25, 50 years later. But at the time, it can be simply trouble. Painful. Hard.
Maybe we should think about today with the perspective of 25 years from now. How will these troubles that we are now living through feel after the passage of time. It's not easy.
But hey, raising 5 babies wasn't easy but my heart swells with the memories. Childbirth was certainly not easy, but somehow I don't think that I remember exactly how painful it was.
I am trying to see things differently. I am loving being the mom of teens. Of knowing them. In the NOW. I want to be living the good ol' days. Not waiting to appreciate them when they are but a fading memory.
I hope today is a part of your good ol' days. Engage each moment and see the memory in your "future view." It will make today even sweeter. Enjoy it. Savor.
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