Been talking to yourself lately? Maybe literally, maybe just inside your head. What have you been saying? Is it uplifting? Is it worth saying to yourself over and over?
I don't know how it is for men, never having been one, but I know how it is for me and for my friends and acquaintances who are women. We trash talk ourselves. We say it to others and we say it to ourselves. We note all of our flaws and places where we need to grow. We do not celebrate who we are or how we are or how we look. I know how hard it is. I fall into the same trap. Because sometimes, we are parroting what we have heard or are hearing from others.
But what I have learned having a half dozen kids and more if you count the others whom I love, is that what we hear is what we think of ourselves and what we think of ourselves is how we live. Uh oh.
So, talk carefully to yourself. Talk purposefully to yourself. Choose relationships that edify and honor who you are. If you have family members who do not, still choose to speak well to yourself.
With that in mind, I want to see how many women can post 20 good things about themselves.....words or phrases. Think about your character. personality. looks. abilities. talents. gifts. dreams. faith. accomplishments. desires. relationships. Look for the good things in each and please post it. Not easy at all. But what a blessing for each of us to get to see other women living in freedom. Other women embracing the fact that they were respectfully, carefully and wonderfully planned and made: you are no accident. You are not someone who should be like someone else. You might have lost your way on your journey. You may have royally screwed up. Probably everyone reading this has. But you are the only you that has ever or will ever be made and you were made with a plan and a purpose in mind. You are loved.
You need to celebrate you...........I know, it doesn't seem too humble. It seems arrogant. foreign. uncomfortable.
Throw off the chains. Do it anyway. It will encourage others. It will lift them up. And, my friend, it will lift you up. Remember who you are. Or find out for the first time. It's part of the journey. Embrace it wholeheartedly.
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