Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ridiculous Notions

Somehow I have gotten some odd ideas

Like if I clean the family room on Wednesday, I shouldn't need to on Thursday.

Or if I wipe up the kitchen after dinner, it should be looking good the next morning.

I have the strangeness to think that if I tell the kids to pick up their rooms before going out that I will walk into a clean bedroom.

Have you laughed outloud at my insanity yet?

I mean, nobody told me that dishes would live in various rooms around the house if I did not rescue them and return them to the kitchen.

Nor that furniture would be used to wipe off hands.

I never knew that bookshleves would be used to store candy wrappers and socks.

I have this strange idea that if you see trash on the floor, you should pick it up.......even if it isn't yours.

And that if coats are left in the car, they should be carried in.

I even go as far as to think that perhaps the sports equipment could actually go in the designated cupboard instead of tossed in front of it.
But strangely, I am the only one. Everyone else in my house thinks that you should take care of yourself and your own belongings. However the problem is that nobody sees that they help to create the mess. Nobody seems to know that they are the one that leaves coffee in the pot.
Or sugar coating the counters.
Apparently the jelly has been jumping out of the fridge and getting spilled down the counters all on it's own.
And the toilet. They all flush. But the toilet isn' is that?
The lights should all be turned off because everyone says they turned them off when they came out to the car. But strangely, when I return home, the watts are burning.

Family life is like nothing else. We think that it's about teaching them to pick up after themselves when in reality it's simply teaching them to see what needs to be done and learning to be willing. Not an easy lesson. For any of us. But necessary.
It's part of growing up. Part of becoming less selfish. But, I don't think any of us completely "get there." The just part inside wants to hold out until someone else steps up and helps. That's why I am not cleaning the family room again.........ok, I did, but I was stunned that I needed to.

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