Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting Lost

Sometimes I get lost. I find that I can't see where I need to be going or what I need to be doing. I squint and cock my head and try to get a better view, but I just can't see. I don't know the future. Right now, I don't even know the perfect job for me. I have some hopes and dreams, but I really don't know what will happen with them. For instance, I like writing. I like it a lot. I think that there is a place for that in my life. I'm not sure that it will be the place of making an income, though.
Mostly what I need is a light to show me the way. Like the story of the fire in the sky that the Israelites followed in the desert. Or like the light for my path talked about in Psalms. What a poetic picture of how we walk in life. We walk a path and we need light. We can do all of the squinting, we can walk or run or sit, we can curse, we can get lost. OR we can look for the LIGHT. If in a cave, never just wander. You'll drive yourself crazy. Ask for a light. Look for the light. Seek the light.
So many times when walking along I've been stumbling and bumbling and then ding, on comes the light and I know which way to go. It's like everything becomes clear and in focus and I realize things I didn't know before.
Walk in light. Keep your eyes open. You'll be amazed at the wonders you will discover.

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