Friday, March 26, 2010

People Who Make Me Angry

I know, I know, you are hoping for me to give names, addresses and phone numbers. No such luck. That would not be nice. I'm talking about the KIND of people. There are a sort of people that always make me cringe and feel yucky. The kind of people that make you wish you were somewhere else.
First of all, people who hurt my friends are low on my list. Or talk about my friends to me like I don't already know their foibles. I've had people talk about people's weight, eating habits, clothing choices, life choices etc. EXCUSE ME? I already know them. They are already my friend. I already know if they carry a few pounds, eat chocolate in the pantry, dress like a hooker. But obviously, I decided to be friends, so you should keep your thoughts to yourself.
Or the kind of person who tries to get me to pass a message to my friend. Like junior high, right? Wrong. Some people just never outgrow it. You could get her to.......whatever. Translate that to "I want her to change something and I don't have the guts to tell her." Bleck. Go try to convince someone else.
I am put off by people who can't ever take responsibility for their actions. They keep moving so fast and putting out more and more information to take the focus off of the fact that they messed up. The thing is.........we ALL mess up. What good is hiding it doing?
My least favorite people are those who do harm to children. Physically, emotionally or otherwise. I mean, how dare they? Kids. Kids aren't supposed to have to fix adult garbage. They aren't there as battering rams or pawns. They are people. Tender, ultra able to forgive, people. I like kids. Can't stand it when kids shoulder the blame of parent's mistakes and decisions.
But the thing is that for every one person like any of these in my life, there are a dozen fine, wonderful, caring people. While my faith isn't in humanity and their ability to be infallible, I am constantly amazed by the amount of kindness there is in the world. Overall, there are more people who are desiring to do the right thing than who are just out to be jerks.
But sometimes you run across those who are just plain mean. I used to think that it was the right thing to stick it out. To even suffer their abuse. To listen to their meanness. I don't anymore. I don't know exactly why. Perhaps it is the realization that life is way too precious to be wasted with the anger and trouble of someone who just wants to make trouble in the world. Some people just aren't happy unless they are creating drama. So, I just let those relationships go.
But, like I said, most relationships, most people are worth getting to know. Take the time. Oh, sure, there are a few that will leave a bad taste, but just like you don't throw away the whole bag of potatoes because one went bad, you shouldn't throw away all relationships because some people choose to live a life of meanness or lies. Because really, all of the good relationships make one bad one now and then worth it.

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