Last night, close to one, I was awakened to a horrific sound. I struggled to wake up. To hear. To place the sound. I said, "honey, what's that sound?"
"don't know." snore.
"fine, I'll go check."
I listened. Trying to wrap my mind around it. Baby crying? No, don't have one. Anna having a nightmare? I stopped at her door. No.
It sounded again. Loudly. I went to the glass centered front door.
A big fox looked up at me and ran off of the porch as our cats playmate cat ran out from behind a cabinet. My heart was racing. "Go kitty, go far away."
But, all seemed well. And I went back to my bed. And the howling began again. Apparently the cat likes to be on our porch at night. The fox waited for me to go away and came right back. Chased it away again. By now I am wide awake and worried. I can't find our cat.
But, all is quiet, so once again I head to bed. And the bellering begins. But not on our porch. Off to the east of it. I can't quite see. I can't go out the door because by now my chihuahua, Stella, is at the door with her dander up and wants to get at whatever it is. John comes out in his sleeping outfit with A BB GUN!!!
And I say, "I don't want to hurt the cat," and he says that he'll just shoot it at the fox so that it will run off and maybe not come back to bother the cat OR the chickens for a while.
But, I still can't open the door. Stella. I pound on it. Make noise. Finally, the howling ceases.
And my heart drops. Did Pearl's friend get eaten? He's a big cat.
However, just then, the fox goes across our drive out to the road. Nothing in his mouth. Whew. Crisis averted.
For now.
Of course, I went back to bed concerned that I never did find Pearl. But I'm sure she was on some heater vent somewhere.
Problems in life are sometimes like that fox at the door. They catch us when we are least alert, not really dressed nor ready for it and don't go away when we thought we had solved them. We just have to diligently keep chasing them away.
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