Well, as we live and grow and learn, we have to admit that things never stay the same. Good things nor bad things. But, why is it that the bad things seem to last so much longer? Oh, that's because all of our awarenesses are heightened by the pain and trauma.
But good things end too. It's the nature of the world. I struggle with this because of how I grew up. Nothing in my life has ever lasted more than a few years. I was used to change. As a matter of fact, I anticipate it. Good or bad, it's bound to change.
Family dynamics, friendships, parental relationships: they all change. Sometimes with time. Sometimes suddenly. How to you learn to be absolutely trusting while knowing that things change? How do you cope when people decide that you are less important than you were before or they outgrow you or it's just kind of over? Marriages. Friends. Siblings. They all ebb and flow. But there are times when everything rocks and shakes and moves and suddenly, after the earthquake, nothing is ever the same again.
What do you do?
First of all, remember who you hope in. He's big. He is help. He is able.
But, also, while doing that. See yourself. It's easy to feel invisible. But you know, if you see who you are and what you need, then you are not invisible. You can meet your needs. I am learning this. I have to see me. I have to care enough about me to make it through. I have to give myself credit. Even when all of the places that I wish would come to my rescue have fled or moved on. It's not over. I am still here. I still can fly. That does not negate the hurt. It just means that I have come to believe that the world is a worthwhile place and full of growing.
So, don't get too comfortable. Things might last. They might now. Cherish every single moment and don't take any forgranted. Store up memories. Keep hoping. But don't be afraid. Winter always comes. So does Spring.
Life keeps moving. It's not a spectator sport. All of us are participants. So, keep running your race with passion.
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