Thursday, May 10, 2012

Water and Sun

I love rain.  And I love sunshine.  Snow?  yep.  Wind?  Not so much.  I'm rather like a plant.  It takes all kinds of weather to grow a plant and it takes all kinds of circumstances to grow me.
Plants thrive with plenty of rain, enough sunshine, and yes, those winter dormant times.
As a person, I have to remember that if life is all sunshine, I dry out....that the rain does not come to harm me but to help me pull out of life what I am needing to get.  Just like it helps the plants get the nutrients from the soil.  Sun is good, but it's only a part of the equation.  Then again, constant rain means drowning.  Sometimes, it's time to go in out of the rain and dry off....time to take care and find sunshine to warm and comfort.  A plant can't choose, but I certainly can.  I have to know when it's too much and make a different choice, put myself in a different place.
I have learned to love the "snows" of life.  The dormant, quiet times.  When it doesn't look like much is happening, but I am gearing up for a growing season.  Resting.  Not dead.  Not lazy.  Just resting.
But the wind.  The wind is not good for plants.  It smashes them down.  Mangles trees.  Damages limbs. Takes off fruit and flowers.  And, wind isn't good for me either.  Wind is like those things or those people that don't serve a purpose but rather seem intent to destroy.  The tidbit of hope is that even when it looks like total destruction, the wind often takes seeds and scatters them so that there's new growth later.
I need different parts of life.  But I also need to know that I am not stuck in a place.  I don't have roots in the ground that keep me from moving or changing positions.  If I find that I am in a bad place, then it is up to me to move.  And to trust the Gardener to show me a better place to plant myself.

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