Sometimes, in the middle of a bright, warm, spring-like day....even a truly Spring day.....Winter can sneak right back in. Today, in Colorado, it was in the mid-50's this morning. It was about 80 yesterday. Sunshiny in that bright blue sky Colorado way.
But, today, this afternoon, snow is blowing and sticking and covering my car. It is cloudy and the kind of day where you want a blanket and a book. The kind of day when you wonder if it really, truly IS Spring.
That happens in life too. At least in my life. Sometimes, I get through Winter and breathe a sigh of relief that Spring has come. I begin to relax and feel a sense of warmth. But, when I don't expect it, sometimes, Winter sneaks back in.
Everyone here is saying, "we need the moisture." Maybe in life sometimes I need the moisture of the Wintery storm in the middle of Spring too. The remembering how to appreciate the warmth. The knowing that it takes all seasons to cause growth. Some plants can't even come back without a winter freeze. And, goodness knows that my grass seed will do better with this nice, thick snow. And in my life, it is the same. Though it makes me shake...and grab a blanket....and a book. Though it makes me tremble. Still, Spring is still here. This is just a passing storm.
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