Saturday, April 9, 2011

But once a year.....

Birthdays come but once a year.  And, when I was a child, that seemed like way too infrequently.  I mean, I loved cake.  And presents and parties.  I loved the hoopla.   Although, I have never enjoyed being sang to out in public nor opening gifts in front of people.  That's ok, it was set off by the presents.  Children and birthdays are an amazing thing.  Better than Christmas to a degree because it's ALL yours.  Yep. Being a child was amazing.
However, now that I'm just a wee bit past legal.  Alright, a bit past.  Ok, a ways past double legal.  Since this time of life has come, birthdays are different.  They are a time of being thankful.  For life.  For others.  For being able to live.  They have become more markers of time past than time that I am racing towards.  They are checkpoints of how I am living. 
So, this once a year, I get to stop in my mind and look back over the year and decide whether I have LIVED.  I get to really think about where I am headed.  It is more significant than New Years.  It is MY own personal new year.  I have no resolutions to write....because I am terrible with resolutions.  However, there are places I want to grow.  Places that I want to forgive in myself.  Places that I need to toughen up.  And soften up.  But, once a year, it's a time, no matter where I am or how I am, to simply thank God that I STILL am. 

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