Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Love Your Life

Isn't that what we all want?  To love our lives?  It seems like it's harder to do than it sounds.  So many trials and pains.  Physically, our bodies fail.  Mentally, we begin to forget.  Spiritually, it's a constant battle to remain true.  Psychologically, it seems like keeping our sanity is too big to ask.  Not all of the time.  But you know those times that I'm talking about.  The times in life when you simply can't see the light...and when you do, it turns out to be a Mac truck headed right for you.  You duck and go under and are not killed but dragged along.....or, so it feels. 
Loving life begins by loving yourself.  I know that a lot of people will disagree.  But, if we are to love others AS we love ourselves, then the precursor is learning to love ourselves.  Then we can love others.  Then, we can love our lives.  Without blaming ourselves constantly.  Taking responsibility and owning what we do, but not taking on what does not belong to us.  And the only way we can begin to attempt to love ourselves is to finally accept that God really DOES love us.  Right now.  Right here.  Even the dimply butt.  And the saggy chin.  Even the little whiskers that pop up.  Even the thoughts of worry.  He simply loves us.  Completely.  Right where we are.  No matter what anyone says about us or believes about us.  That is so easy to say and SO HARD to do.  Seriously hard.  At least for me.  I'm good at blaming myself.  At taking on what I really wasn't responsible for. 
So, if you want to love your'll have to accept first off that you are loved.  Completely.  Then, it all goes from there.  It makes it possible to make changes.  To be brave and courageous.  To live without fear.  There is nothing that will ever separate you from His love. 
You are a treasure.  A poem written by the creator.  His gem. 

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