Monday, August 31, 2009

The Gift

Today, riding in the car with my tweeners and teens, I reminded them of how unique each of them is. Each one with different gifts and talents. And I reminded them to listen to the part inside of them that is WHO they are. I don't mean what they will do when they grow up to make money. Although, it's great if those things can work together. I mean the thing inside that makes them unique. The thing that if they did not do it, they would be lost. They need to know WHO they are. Not just what they do. Sure, go to school. Get good grades. Play sports. Play chess. DO stuff. That's good and healthy.
But we seem to live in a culture that is so busy doing, so busy keeping busy, that we miss out on knowing ourselves. We miss out on finding that little nugget that is ours alone to share with the world. It's fun to get to tell my kids that they are the only person who will ever be them. They might not compete at any event and come out with the blue ribbon. But hands down, every day, they are the best them. They are the only them.
I guess I do a lot of self talk when talking to my kids. I say that because I realized that I loved writing when I was only a small girl. Loved it with all of my heart. Journals. Scrapbooks. Stories. Essays. It was all good. I was a Language Arts teacher's dream. And yet, somehow nobody ever looked and said, "write all of your life. It might not bring you money nor fame nor any interest at all, but write because it is who you are and it will bring you joy. It will help you be who you are meant to be." But I realize it for myself now. I don't expect to get rich off of my ramblings. Hey, I don't expect to get anything. But what I do hope is to touch lives. Maybe someday it'll be the lives of my children and grandchildren who go back and read about who I was and how I lived. Maybe it will encourage some young mom. Maybe it will inspire someone to do whatever it is that brings them joy just for the sake of doing it. And yes, I mean doing it every single day. Like eating.
For the gift inside is like food. It feeds your soul. It nourishes your body. It makes you feel complete. It takes away the troubles that nag at you. Without it, you are just one of the many. But with it, you are the only you ever. If you don't know what it is that rocks your boat, then spend some time alone. Think about what it is that really makes your heart well up and you can't hardly wait until you can do it again. Realize, it may have been years and years since you squelched it out in order to grow up and be "mature". But find that place. Be that person. Every day. For the thing about that gift inside is that it's not for's for you to share with the world. And the world needs it. Though you may never even know who needed it, I guarantee it. YOU are needed. YOU are unique. YOU have a special purpose.

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