Friday, March 30, 2012

Goodness Gracious

It is good to be gracious.  To give and be kind.  To have compassion.  To others.  To yourself.
I have been thinking much lately of a young person that I love very much.  Life has not gone as I would wish for this person.  As a matter of fact, the choices being made are painful to watch.  But I have changed through the years.  It's not painful to me because I am disappointed nor superior.  It is painful to me because the choices are taking the person away from those who love.  Who care.  The draw to those who use and take advantage is incomprehensible.  Self punishment.  Rebellion.  Defiance.  Proving.  It doesn't matter why.  Well, actually, that's all that matters.  The lifestyle, the outward stuff...all just symptoms of pain and something inside.
But everyone gets to choose.  To live.  To do what helps.  Or hurts.  To give.  Or take.  To thrive.  Or stagnate. And what I've learned is that my love has not been diminished by the choices.  And I wish that I could say how I get it.  How I see.  How no matter what choices are made, that the person is valuable.  A treasure.  Loved.  Beloved.  And someday I will get that chance.
Goodness.  Graciousness.  A gift to be given.  To others.  To ourselves.